Abortion Effectiveness

Abortion Telemedicine




Medical Abortions

In medical abortions you take pills to complete the abortion.  If you are in the first trimester (13 weeks) of your pregnancy, our healthcare providers can prescribe abortion medications for you online if appropriate.  Then we will ship the medications directly to you for your privacy and for your comfort to use them in your own home.  

Highly Effective

Science and research have shown abortion medications to be highly effective.  They will be more effective the earlier you use them in your pregnancy.  In the first 9 weeks of pregnancy the medications remain 95-98% effective.  Beyond 9 weeks your healthcare provider will typically prescribe an extra dose of the medications.  The medications will still be 95% effective or more in the 10th and 11th weeks with the extra dose.  The effectiveness will drop in the 12th and 13th weeks.

Our Healthcare Providers

To learn more you can book a video-chat with one of our healthcare providers at our website abortiontelemedicine.com.  The total cost of $145 covers the video-chat with the healthcare provider and the abortion medications shipped directly to you.  In these difficult situations for you we make medication abortions easy for you, convenient for you, and at a low price for you.


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