Abortion Safety

Abortion Telemedicine




Medical Versus Surgical

In surgical abortions the doctor will use surgical instruments to complete the abortion.  In medical abortions you take pills to complete the abortion.  Our healthcare providers can prescribe abortion medications in the first trimester (13 weeks).

Safety of Medical Abortions

People generally do very well with medical abortions.  You will experience bleeding and abdominal pain and cramping which will be more than you usually have with your period.  You may experience fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.  Less often people will have heavy bleeding which will use up more than two pads per hour for more than two hours in a row.  You should contact your healthcare provider for heavy bleeding like this.  Keep in mind that millions of people have had medical abortions, and nearly half of all abortions in the United States are medical abortions.

Our Healthcare Providers

If you book a video-chat with us, our healthcare providers can discuss your options.  They can prescribe abortion medications for you if appropriate.  We will send you the abortion medications in the mail, and you can complete the abortion in the privacy of your own home.  We know this can be very challenging and very difficult for you. We aim to make this as easy as possible, as comfortable as possible, and as convenient as possible.  We also offer this at a very low price so you can afford it. 


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